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The Biggest Killer Of Your Progress

Posted by Pure Speed on Monday, June 1, 2009, In : Motivate Yourself To Practice 
The biggest killer of your progress

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The enemy of our dreams

There's an element in the human psyche that destroys more dreams than any other single factor. If you're not consciously aware of it, chances are you will become a victim of it. In order to understand the mechanisms behind it, you need to know the following:

For two hundred thousand years, human beings have been 100 % dependant on each other. We don't have a thick fur to protect us from the weather. We can't...

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How To Become Unstoppable

Posted by Pure Speed on Sunday, May 31, 2009, In : Motivate Yourself To Practice 
How to become unstoppable

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Magical shredding super powers

Imagine your favorite guitar player on stage. See and hear how cool it sounds when he or she is playing. Feel the emotions you would feel if you where there right now. How would your face look? How much fun would you have? Then imagine taking his place. Switch parts with your favorite shredder and imagine that you are on stage, playing with the skills of a guitar super hero. Imagine everyones amazement. See t...

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